How to Write Good Copy without Learning for Years

Despite the fact that I offer a free primer on how to write good copy, people still want something they can use to write good copy fast. So I'm going to break down the structure of a simple yet strong sales letter in a way that you can use immediately. It's through the power of acronyms (or initialisms)!

The Headline

The headline is like a BUS ; it leads people to a destination (your sales letter):

  • B: Benefit. Include the main benefit of your product or service in the headline. E.g., Look half as young
  • U: Unique. Point out how your product or service differs from those of your competitors. E.g., Without harmful chemicals
  • S: Specific. Lay out the specific results your customer can expect to see after using your product or service. E.g., In less than a week

Look Half as Young in Less than a Week -- Without Using Harmful Chemical Products!


The Lede

The lede is like a GPS unit; it lets readers know where they stand and gives them a general idea of where to go.

  • G: Goal. State the prospect's likely goal--the goal that your product helps him reach. Emphasize the good feelings associated with reaching that goal. Pictures often help, here. 
  • P: Problem. Describe the problem that stands in the path of the goal. Point out how this problem is ever-present for all prospects. This is a good time to dismiss your competitors' products as not being helpful in solving this problem.
  • S: Solution. Mention that there is a solution and position it as being unique.

Short Example (real copy should expand on each part and put it into a distinct section):

More and more women are discovering the secret to a youthful face.

Studies have shown that adding a little bit of chub to your face can make it appear up to 10 years younger -- but adding fat to your face means adding fat to your body.

Doctors have found a new method of adding a little chub to your face without adding love handles to your body.


The Offer

The offer is like a MAP; it lets readers know the steps they must take to get to their goal.

  • M: Method. Tell your prospects what to do -- that's WHAT to do to solve his problem -- but not HOW to do it. Once you've convinced your prospects that your method is correct, then you can position your product or service as taking care of the HOW part for you.
  • A: Arguments. Every prospect is going to have a handful of arguments as to why they don't need your product... why your product won't work... why they can't afford it... and the list goes on. In this part of your copy, you need to lay out good reasons as to why these arguments fail.
  • P: Positioning. List the characteristics of your product or service and what makes you the best choice. Make clear points as to why your product/service prevails over all others.


The Call to Action

The call to action needs no acronym, because it is one: CTA

  • C: Convince. Persuade the prospect to make the purchase now. Clearly state the method to order and give a direct-response method (shopping cart, email address, phone number, etc.)
  • T: Time. Set a time limit on your offer.
  • A: Add. Add a guarantee. Make sure that the prospect has absolutely no excuses left to avoid making the purchase.


So there you have it. A simple, practical 12-step process to writing your first sales letter. You're far along the way to mastering how to write good copy.

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