If You Are Asking "What Does a Copywriter Do?"...

what does a copywriter do

Ahh... What does a copywriter do? This is usually first question that leads you on your path to becoming a copywriter. And while it's not always an easy path, it is a good path.

In short, copywriters use the written language to convince people to ACT. What copywriters are trying to get you to act on, however, depends on the individual copywriter's field.

So the answer to "what does a copywriter do" is actually something like this:

  • It depends on what the copywriter wants others to do.


What Does a Copywriter Do -- Types of Copywriters

The majority of copywriters work selling products or services. They may be working for big companies, small businesses, startups, or even non-profit organizations. Some copywriters work freelance, from the comfort of their own homes, while others head to the company office. There are advantages to both styles of work.

Like other marketers (copywriting is a form of marketing), copywriters do a lot of research to figure out how to write sales letters and web pages that will help their clients get more business. Copywriters' research methods vary depending on the size of the project. Sometimes copywriters do demographic research by checking out mailing lists or other forms of collected data that can describe the ideal customer. Other times, copywriters analyze past examples of successful sales letters.


After gaining enough information, copywriters apply their knowledge to writing something that will move a customer to actually make a purchase. Many copywriters have backgrounds in marketing, business, or psychology, which makes them suitable for this kind of work.

What Does a Copywriter Do -- How a Copywriter Works

A copywriter's specialty in terms of service/product type determines what field he will work best in. In-house copywriters tend to be multifaceted, handling much of the written content of a company. Those who work freelance tend to specialize in a specific subject type of copywriting, such as pet copywriting, financial copywriting, health copywriting, or personal development copywriting.

Copywriters who take on clients find that their time gets split into copywriting and consulting. Much of copywriting is applied marketing, which means many copywriters are actually marketing consultants in disguise.

Indeed, the answer to "what does a copywriter do?" is not so simple but depends on the individual's expertise.

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