Copywriter Job Description

As the worldwide economy grows, companies need more skilled writers who can help sell their products or services. Copywriters fill this need, and while each copywriter will have different specific projects and work in different fields, the average copywriter job description includes:

  • Writing press releases
  • Helping companies design advertisements
  • Writing sales copy
  • Editing copy
  • Creating headlines, titles, and product names
  • Writing scripts for videos


What Will I Be Doing as a Copywriter?

Copywriters work in nearly every industry. Your options as a copywriter are myriad, and range from writing advertisements for small businesses to editing active advertisement campaigns for big brands. But Your main goal is usually the same: help the company make more sales.

Sometimes even one small change can make a huge difference in sales.


How Much Can I Make as a Copywriter?

Copywriters get paid in a number of ways. The type of pay rate -- whether you get paid per hour, per sale (royalties), or per project -- depends on your employer. Like any other freelance profession, your perceived expertise and experience can affect how much employers are willing to pay for your service. By preparing yourself for a copywriting career you are setting yourself up for the following benefits:

  • Unlimited income: An upper limit for how much copywriters are paid simply does not exist. Some copywriters are paid tens of thousands of dollars to write a single sales letter.
  • Job Opportunities: Copywriters have plenty of job opportunities thanks to the fact that virtually every field in the world needs copy written. A copywriter can choose to specialize in practically any industry or in a certain type of work (e.g., speeches, sales letters, scripts, and resumes).
  • No Entry Requirements: You can be a copywriter without earning a specific degree or going through a training course. Provided you can meet your employer's goal (sell more), you'll be known as a successful copywriter.


With the guide I have prepared for new copywriters, you can get started right away. This guide for copywriters assumes nothing about your prior experience and teaches you how to begin getting clients immediately.

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